Thursday, March 17, 2005

"Rocket Science", or "I know only one metaphor"

Why is it that people, especially teachers, find this phrase so irresistible? Throughout my college (a colossal waste of time btw) my professors would use this phrase at the slightest instigation.

"You just have to write a 1000 word article on the soap marketing scenario in India. Why do you need a week? It's not rocket science!"

"All you have to do is pay attention during my class, and you will pass the test. It's not rocket science!"

"Don't pick your nose, use a tissue. It's not rocket science!"

Now, I wonder how many of these people ever got past their high school math, much less approach rocket science. How would they know how complicated, or simple, rocket science is? And if it's just a reference to something they think is the toughest thing in the universe to understand, they really should look around. Most of their accents would qualify.

Their logic would top the list.

1 comment:

Madan said...

You forgot 'salient features'