Tuesday, March 22, 2005

In Absentia

I've been away 3 days, and what do I find? Madan's laid my dubious past bare to the world, not to mention revealed my secret identity. And there are people with unpronounceable names leaving largely random and irrelevant comments. (Madan, I do not agree about darkenrahlin. Doesn't sound like an ice cream brand. Sounds like a fairy knight. Eating ice cream. And while we're on the subject, wtf is rohtheho? row her where?)
::5 minutes later::I've been reading the rest of the posts trying to gather some inspiration to go on, something to write about. Desperation even prompted me to visit rohtheho's blog and darkenrahlin's excuse for one. The results are in and the fat boy's lost. I have nothing. So guess all my impatient fans will just have to wait until I muster up enough energy to write about something.


Rohit said...

>>Desperation even prompted me to visit rohtheho's blog and darkenrahlin's excuse for one.

oye oye! my blog rocks! :P

Madan said...

take your time, don't worry. we're willing to wait a *long* time