Wednesday, March 16, 2005


How does one start off a first post really? I suppose I could start by saying that both me and on_trial are under no illusions that our thoughts or views are important. They are not. There are too many people and considering that everything's become so idiot-friendly, every moron with half a brain and three times the attitude has started a post. A lot of blogs are nicely written, no doubt, but most of them are shitty, and make for a very painful read. In fact, when i used to read them at work i used to get more depressed after reading them than I would after dealing with my superiors.There will be no "I GAVE MY CAT A BATH TODAY LOL!!" articles. Anyone found guilty of such excesses will be shot in the face and dumped in a lard factory. What you will find here is writing, most of it done because we are unhealthy human beings and feel a need to vent. This venting is only complete if misery is inflicted upon fellow human beings, and you are basically the lab rats in our 'feel healthy' experiment. Not everything will be negative, but it will all be sincere.
We've started this thing with one purpose, and that's to get better at writing. We'll (hopefully) be putting up a lot of stuff that we've written here. Anything from rants to short stories. There are also rumours that on_trial wants to get rich, but you can make about as much money off of writing, especially our kind of writing, that you could if you were an ugly whore, but the point is the writing. Hopefully vomiting out more and more of our emotions will give us both a much needed finesse, and the same also applies for the other contributors, if any. I've said enough. Hope you like what you see, and if you don't, too bad. Disney updates their website often. Go look there.

1 comment:

on_trial said...

Disclaimer: The contributors on this blog speak for themselves. Members do not take any responsibility for, or necessarily agree with, each others views. Especially when those views are Madan's. I have several illusions that my thoughts/views are important. Real pretty ones. And I do not need any finesse :P