Tuesday, July 26, 2005

8 steps to being a better corporate whore

These are some random guidelines i have compiled that might help you be a better employee/manager, and might help you prolong your stay with your company, for upto two weeks at a time.

a) Kiss your director's ass thoroughly, reaching into every cobwebbed nook and cranny, make sure there is no kidney stone left unturned.
b) Never turn down a promotion by saying "i hate the people, i would rather work in my old group because atleast i didn't want to die everytime i opened my eyes in the morning". It will cause people to say untrue things about you..like "he is negative. unnecessarily mean, rude. not a team player" that last sentence is pretty much the nail in the coffin by the way. if you get that not a team player tag around your neck, you may as well go shoot yourself.
c) Never ever ever ever say "dude this code is totally gay man!" to a gay guy who has stopped by to help you with some fuckup. It will make a serious difference in both your day(s).
d) If some senior management guy has no teeth and happens to be gay, do not make statements in public relating the two *seemingly* disjointed facts together. Sorry, i can't be plainer without being disgustingly explicit.
e) If big bitchy senior lady asks you why you have turned down a promotion, focus on the positives, the positives of being in the older group as opposed to the newer group, never ever say, "There wasn't enough work". you won't appear honest. you will simply be looked at with the "too good for himself" lens, which as you know, is notoriously misty, and will get you fired before you can say "hello HR guy. how are you today?"
f) If someone in the toilet did their big job all over the floor instead of in the pot (as people are apt to do when they simply forget the purpose of a toilet, a common enough occurrence in IT companies, owing to people being too full of it), make sure to send a lot of company wide emails lamenting the fact that you've never had to write an email like this in your entire career. If you are a manager, and you want a headcount of all the kiss-asses in your company, simply wait for the Reply-to all mails you get from various employees who say "Well Said!" or "Hear Hear!" and do a brief count, and there you have it.
g) Fire those bastards the coming friday, because they wasted company resources saying well said and hear hear when they could have used the bleach and the mop.
h) The HR manager in every company is usually a sub-human product of his parents' lust, often a symbol of failed family planning programs. Have him do it. This will also give you a chance to glow from within, and feel warm and happy when you picture him muttering to himself.. "chief recruiter..and i am fucking cleaning up shit. This wasn't in my job description you goddamn sons of bitches"

That's about all i can think of. I might add to it from time to time, but don't count on it. I have a job to keep too.

Thursday, June 30, 2005


It's like awakening from your dreams. Except things aren't the same as they were when you went to bed. It's like awakening from your dreams, into a different world. It's like awakening for the first time.

This world was built for giants, not squirrels. But life makes squirrels of us all.

So busy gathering twigs to build the shelters for old age, the summer of youth passes away. Unnoticed and unacknowledged. All that I could, or almost could be, lost in the pages of books never written, lost in the verses of songs never sung.
How do you stop life, and start living? How do you break the bonds of love, and habit, and custom, and certainty, to become all you were meant to be? To give all you should, and taste all you can?

The lands have been discovered, the stars breached, the elements conquered. Where do I turn to for inspiration? For divine intervention?
I wish I was a rock star. I wish I was a highlander. I wish I was the song of the ages, the eye of the prophet. I wish, I wish

I wish I were alive.

This is no story. Nor yet a piece of poetry. This is a plea for help. This is a dark room, a strange bed. This is a mind struggling against itself. This is not me. This is not you. This is us.


Something I wrote recently...still a work in progress, so keep an open mind...

Tonight we're heroes, my friend. We're the reason, the means, and the end - you and I. Tonight, at the bottom of this mountain, we met our destiny. And at the top, we shall make a new one. For each other. And for every man, woman and child that will step up with us. Step up into the new heaven. One made by mortals greater than Gods, built of stone harder than Valhalla, coloured with the blood of innocents.

I see the fear in your eyes. See it, and feel it too. The climb is a difficult one, and the will is weak. The darkness immeasurable. But what are these, to the thing that awaits us at the top? Do not fear the journey my friend, for I have glimpsed the destination. It is a thousand times more vile than this rock, a thousand times darker than this night. Do not fear my friend, for we are doomed.

When death is a certainty, what is fear? Stand up and embrace it, as you would your saviour. For it shall set you free. It shall remove all your bonds, unshackle your very soul. It shall put fire in your veins and lightning in your mind, when the moment of truth comes. At the top is our destiny waiting to be written, and death shall be our bedfellow through eternity.

The climb is a long one, but do not weaken. The enemy is strong, but do not despair. For tonight, we're heroes. Truth will be our shield, and righteousness our lance. The vile shall not touch us, nor the ignominious stop us. Listen to me, for I shall be alongside you as you face the rock. And I shall be alongside you as we force our destiny. And I will give you wings as you go into the battle, and I shall lift you higher when you fall.

Listen to me, my friend, for I shall be you.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Pogramming with your Cube Mates

I know it's been a while, but i've been saving and bottling up all my pissiness, so that my outburst will have finesse, magnitude, and direction.
So, let's get down to business. Praveen has been a little bitch that hasn't posted since...since a very long time. In that interval, i've even managed to have an operation, spend time in hospital, recover, and shave beards that would make mullahs proud.
I've been 'promoted'...i use quotations because it sucks, and i would rather have my old position back. Back then i was the groundling, the object of scorn and the curled upper lip by many a developer who thought his code was so important that the company would not function without him, in fact, they sure made it seem so..I work in a place where if you manage to do your job, they call your name out at meetings. It's like telling your wife she's not fat. It's something you're supposed to do, you don't get honoured for it. Either it is duly noted and filed away by the wife, or you get yelled at : "What do you mean i am not fat? What made you think that i thought i was fat?" (this often happens if you were idiotic enough to preempt her question)..and it's the same thing about work, atleast, that's how it should be. If you say nothing about it, some head honcho should stick his head out and give you a polite nod as you walk past his glass-walled office while he is burrowed behind his pc surreptitiously looking at porn, and, if you tell your boss very nervously, while standing on one leg.."you know, i did, like, this thing, you know, and it like, brought this company a lot of money, you know", in which case you are sent to your desk with a sharp rap on your knuckles, or if the boss is in a particularly expansive mood, a pen case. So yeah, you get the picture. if you go above and beyond your job, only then should your name be called out..otherwise what happens? Everytime some stupid senior ditz calls out your name and says "Couldn't have done it withoutcha!!!!!! *FLASHY SMILE*"(she will never make a mention of your name because you are not important enough for your name to be remembered. there is very limited brain space. it is used up by acronyms for words and sentences that do not make any sense when strung together, nor have any meaning), people make the mistake of assuming that they are somehow above mediocre, and they start throwing their weight around.
I program in a language that britney spears could pick up within minutes. It is not something to have an ego about, yet as you walk by people's desk, you will find them chewing their lip thoughtfully, and discussing issues about the language that a bored toddler could tell you the answer to. Case in point.
"How would we get the person's name from a database"
"Hmm..that is a good point..good point *long pause*..oh wait! isn't there code that already does that???!?!?! EUREKA. I AM A GOD!"
Horrible, isn't it?
So, you get the picture, a company where the code is easy, and most of the work involves finding already implemented stuff, carefully selecting, clicking "Copy" and then transferring over to the new destination. 5 minutes of tinkering and 4 hours of table tennis later..finished shiny end product that will promptly break because the old code never worked anyway, whereupon the reaction is.."oh well..let the bug fixers handle it. i worked hard on this and busted my balls"..so that was what i was..a bug fixer..i would fix their shit, and it helped me get a good understanding of how the world, and that particularly shitty program, "worked". it was good in a way, it was mostly easy, the guys around me were fun to work with..there was constant laughter and table tennis and endless hours of fun to be had by all...until i got promoted.
Now, i sit in a dreary and dark cube all the way on the other end. My companions are, let's call them hbfb, and peewee. hbfb=heavy-breathing fat bastard. 6 feet tall, 17 feet wide. One word description: Yokozuna. I can't even run him over with my car, because it would total my car, and leave him with barely a scratch, although i've wanted to on many an occassion.
hbfb happens to work in a company, as a side project, and they wanted my help to make a song that their product could use. The negotiations were as follows
1st day
hbfb: Hey i heard your music. I want you to write some songs, and we'll pick. we'll give you cash for it.
me: how about...no? i'd like a cut of the profits
hbfb: I will have to discuss with my compatriots on this issue
me: yeah, whatever. let me know.
2nd Day
hbfb : Hey, i spoke to my colleagues about this joint venture
me: yeah, and?
hbfb: There are two opposing schools of thought on the issue
me: you actually have schools of thought on this shitty issue?
hbfb: uhhm..yes we do.
me: That is the most pathetic thing i have heard in years.
hbfb: You're not the most positive guy here are you?
me: Not unless you mean blood group.
Day 3
hbfb: Apparently, they don't want to pay you
me: so i have to do this for free?
hbfb: yeah
me: it took you 3 days to tell me that?
hbfb: Well there were ongoing discussions
me: wow.gay.

hbfb is the type of individual that will look up something on the internet, some code-related issue, and then talk like he wrote a ground-breaking book on the subject. The talk will be merry-go-roundy, and any piercing questions will be cleverly deflected with "Well *important look* it depends on the context in which you refer to the subject material"
.."with assays and windlasses of bias, by indirections find directions out", only in this case, direction is a blank wall and me desperately looking for ways to end it all.

Onto peewee, peewee is smart, sassy, and kiss-assy. If there is a butt with upper management written on it, peewee's lips will be glued to it faster than hbfb's to his dinner plate. He has a nasal voice, and whenever he talks, plaster falls from the ceiling, and i turn the volume on my mp3 player up to levels that would make deaf adders uneasy.
The only problem i have with peewee, is the fact that he gets by doing no work at all. He comes in at 10:30, or whenever his calendar tells him is an auspicious time to do so, watches rap music videos, and says things like "Yo Wuassap man!" to his bosses (he is not black. he is simply cool and down with it, and we all wish we could be like him). Then when it's 2pm, he disappears, and you can't see him till 10am the next day. He logs 8-9 hours every day.He's quite smart though, so i have to give him that. When i become president, he will be the last against the wall, and there will be a special silver bullet for him.

So, these are my new cube mates. It is tough working..all i hear when i am not listening to music, is his heavy breathing..i feel like my chair is getting pulled closer and closer with every inhalation.
every day is a punishment, well mostly. I take out all the anger on my friend at table tennis.

What is worrisome is the listlessness that working with these two fucktards has spawned. I don't care about work anymore. all i care about is getting my 8 hours, and leaving the place. Which means, that there is trouble brewing on the horizon. If the only guy there who works is only working 8 hours, out of which 5 are spent playing table tennis, then, someone will have to pay dearly. hbfb is in wedded bliss..so he won't be fired..apparently...the best thing about getting married is "dude, she brings me food to my desk.how awesome is that" ..i wasn't sure whether i was supposed to be envious, or nauseated by that remark.

It won't be peewee, because peewee is down with all the head honchos, even if he doesn't do anything..so, guess who will be sent home early some friday because "Statistically it has been demonstrated that office workers are less likely to cause a scene if fired right before the weekend" ??

Sunday, April 24, 2005

The Indian "Talent" Show

I went to an "Indian Talent Show" on Saturday night. I felt life had been too easy and I needed to punish myself for being happy. Atleast, that must have been the only rationale that prompted me to go there, and also the vague hope that I might meet some nice Indian students at the university, preferably female, preferably quiet and nice and not overly yappy. We sat down, amidst a throng of babbling Indians. The show started 40 minutes late with a girl with a squeaky pseudo accent telling us in grating syllables that they were sorry they started late. Everyone clapped, whether it was in anticipation or despair, I couldn't tell. My friend who had come with me to see if there were any good looking girls, stirred in his seat uneasily. They handed out cards that had the show's schedule on them. I forgot what they are called, but at any rate, my friend was happy reading the names, according to him they all sounded like they'd be 'hot'. They then proceeded to sing the national anthems of India and the US. I have never seen a song being gang-raped before, but they managed to pull that one off smoothly. There were two groups of oily looking females singing the anthems, and they were both desperately fighting tooth-and-claw for last place. Everyone else had their hands on their crotch as it was too informal an occassion to stand at attention. The Indian anthem didn't sound as bad basically because everyone was singing louder and louder to drown out the squeaky voices of Oily Exhibits A. The american anthem however would have gotten us all deported if any of the sullen americans sitting listlessly in the corner had the energy to walk over to the phone booth and summon the justice department. It was an effort not to laugh out loud, and on many occassions i got glares from the local senior citizens who had surrounded us and were trying to threaten us into behaving like good boys. The show proceeded, true indian style..with item no. 17 on the list being performed first, followed by the introduction, a dance, more dances, and an intermission. The dances started and my friend leaned forward expectantly. "monisha will now perform mehboob mere" ...He uttered a stricken cry of anguish. Monisha was 7 years old, and definitely not his type, and the same followed for most of the other contenders for rock-bottom. There was one number by some actual college females of age, and it was very remiscent of peasant women stomping on great blobs of cowdung to soften it into patties ( a very common thing in rural villages in india). It should have been called "The Death March of Bataan-Anu Malik" but they give it a rather juicy sounding filmy title. There were some American girls seated in front of us. They couldn't take the excitement and had to leave their chairs to go forward and stand and clap. The funny thing was they left their purses there, and would glance back at us suspiciously from time to time to make sure we wouldn't do a quick number and disappear with said purses. "blady thieving indians"
At this point, a colleague from work and his girlfriend, both americans, decided to join us. "Hey Madman, What're you performing?" ...yes..because i'm indian, and this is an indian talent show, I must perform like a wound-up drummer monkey for your enjoyment so you can purse your lips at some weekly Poker meeting with your friends and make statements like "Hmm..You know, Indian culture is quite interesting, there was this one time...". fucking morons. You might think i'm being unnecessarily harsh. I'm not. This guy writes awful code. I have often fantasized about catching him by the tuft of his beard and beating him mercilessly because I've had to debug said code on many occassions.
The show went on, proceeding smoothly from item to item. The only way you'd know if a particular performance was over was by the listless way in which the 'contestants' would tangentially walk off stage, while the music was playing. now bows, nothing. it was like watching a group of mexicans get caught at the border. the same resignation, the same shoulder-shrugging acceptance of a harsh fate.
The DJ, a white guy, normally asleep, would suddenly realize the stage was empty, stop the music, and clap, and the rest of the herd would follow suit half-heartedly. He also decided to rap for us by the way, and that was the best performance of the evening. That should tell you how good it was.
The show sucked, so I thought the dinner intermission would atleast make up for it, but right before dinner they decided to make a few announcements. The audience, their appetite whetted by all this torture was clapping enthusiastically to everything the squeaky female was blabbing out, in the hopes that they'd be loosed on the food quite soon, then came the announcement. Apparently, the university had refused to fund this event(not surprising. If i were in charge of funding, I'd think twice about paying out good money to watch 8 year olds sing yeh tara woh tara with an american accent, rolling the r's), so there wasn't too much food, and what food there was, had to be rationed. There was a stampede when that announcement was finished. It was reminscent of photographs in The Hindu about the plight of Andhra farmers, and food rations. They literally served us half a spoonful of vegetables, two puris, and some rice, and if you asked for more, you'd get a mournful stare from two girls whom they had stationed expressly for that purpose. As a clever tactic to stop second servings, there were no spoons or forks to be found, only knives, so no one would come back for the rice, and the puris were anyways like Indian Railways material so unless you were dying of hunger, you wouldn't go back for that. At this point, i was saved by my work. I got a call from a guy at work saying something had to be uploaded to some servers, and I headed for the exit, and into the cool, comforting night.

Thursday, March 31, 2005

The Revolution

“Let’s kill the Queen!”

A spilt his sugar and B nearly bit his leg off. They both looked at C, not trusting their own ears.

“What? You know she’s the cause of it all. Sitting in her cave, growing fat on our hard work. I say we bump her off…”

“Shh! Have you gone mad? How could you even think such a thing!”

“It’ll be easy! Precisely because no one’s thought of such a thing!”

“And for good reason! Do you think you can just waltz up to her and bite her head off?”

“Yes! There are never more than two or three soldiers near her, and they’re just for show. No one expects an attack.”

“But you’re insane! The Queen!”

“Yes, the Queen! She’s the reason we break our backs everyday in those terrible lines, living every moment in fear of those bullies she calls soldiers. And for what? So they can eat and get stronger, to go out and capture more like us. All to feed her highness, who seems to bloat up more while our people die in those bloody lines daily.”

“But it’s our job..”

“Not a job, it’s our caste! Just because we’re born into it. And they don’t help us either – the soldiers could lend a hand to an old one here, or a cripple there, but no! They just curse us and act tough because they go to the battles. Let them try carrying 8 times their own weight through miles of hostile territory to feed a whore who’ll spit at you as soon as say hello.”

“Everything you say is true, but still…to kill the Queen?”

“It’s not impossible. It’d be easier than killing one of those bullies in fact. She’s grown so fat on our sweat and blood that she won’t even be able to defend herself. And the soldiers are too cocky to suspect anything. We just have to remain cool, and not lose our nerve. Our people will be set free by our sacrifice. Here’s the plan…”


The next day, 3 workers broke the line and rushed up to the Queen. Everyone froze, even the never ending line coming to a halt. And then they stopped. The Queen’s large eyes were on A, B and C. Her hypnotic gaze sapped their will, emptied their minds. Then, with a supreme effort of will, C muttered “Bloody whore” and leapt on to her giant frame, aiming for the softest spot.

And then the world came to an end.


Jerry, driving home after a hard day’s work in the fields, felt a bump as his truck’s tire went over an anthill. He made a note to check the wheel – it had been feeling a little loose lately.


Note: Can't think of appropriate names for A, B & C. Suggestions welcome :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

In Absentia

I've been away 3 days, and what do I find? Madan's laid my dubious past bare to the world, not to mention revealed my secret identity. And there are people with unpronounceable names leaving largely random and irrelevant comments. (Madan, I do not agree about darkenrahlin. Doesn't sound like an ice cream brand. Sounds like a fairy knight. Eating ice cream. And while we're on the subject, wtf is rohtheho? row her where?)
::5 minutes later::I've been reading the rest of the posts trying to gather some inspiration to go on, something to write about. Desperation even prompted me to visit rohtheho's blog and darkenrahlin's excuse for one. The results are in and the fat boy's lost. I have nothing. So guess all my impatient fans will just have to wait until I muster up enough energy to write about something.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

That Man is the product of causes which had no preview of the end they were achieving; that his origin, his growth, his opens and fears, his loves and his beliefs, are but the outcome of accidental collocations of atoms; that no fire, no heroism, no intensity of thought and feeling, can preserve an individual life beyond the grave; that all the labours of the ages, all the devotion, all the inspiration, all the noonday brightness of human genius, are destined to extinction in the vast death of the solar system, and that the whole temple of Man's achievment must inevitably be buried beneath the debris of a universe in ruins--all these things, if not quite beyond dispute, are yet so nearly certain, that no philosophy whch rejects them can hope to stand. Only within the scaffolding of these truths, only on the firm foundation of unyielding despair, can the soul's habitation henceforth be safely built.
-Bertrand Russell

I don't feel i need to say more. That quote says it all

Happy Birthday you scumbag

Hey praveen,
I tried calling but for some reason your phone is off. I didn't feel like writing to your office address, so thought I'd post here. Hope you had a really nice birthday. I was still thinking about that time back in school when I told everyone that it was your b'day. For all of you that don't know, both me and On_trial were not too popular in school because of the way we'd talk. The teachers regarded me as an errant child who just needed some coaxing to be put on the right path, and Praveen, they really didn't know what to make of. At any rate, the students didn't think that highly of us either, mainly because of how we'd run our mouths... and when I told them all it was his birthday, they gave him 'birthday bumps', which is basically holding a person's arms and legs and swinging him up and down as many times as his age, so after 18 times they just dropped him and he landed in the sand. Then they kicked him, in the ribs, and in the chest, and well i'll say this much in his favour. I've never actually seen anyone 'roll with the punches', but that was what he was doing, it could also have to do with the fact that at that time he was fat, and so any movement highter and thither would look like a blob of jelly sliding/rolling around by transferring mass in various directions, while moaning softly saying "oho oho oho".
It was fun to watch, and everytime March 19th swings by i think of that and giggle to myself.
Anyways, I hope you got a lot of gifts and such. I'd like to remind you that you are one lucky piece of shit to be spending your birthday with a family that's pretty much your 2nd family anyways. You know what i mean. Most of us don't have that luxury, and I won't whine about that, but I do hope that you value that whenever you go on your bitching trips. I'd also like to think that your day didn't go as badly as our birthdays used to turn out back in the day. I just realized I've known you for a little over 7 years. Man, it's been long. Too long, and you are still the same piece of shit you were when you said, "Oh, in Singapore, sex is a community thing is it??"
Anyways, I've run out of things to say, so I'll just say this Tamil movie style : "yengai irundhaalum vazhga"
If you can't figure out what it means, you ought to be ashamed. Your mom would know what it means though, so ask her.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Commuting can be a bitch

I took the train to office today.

Nothing striking in that. I've been doing that for the last one year, since getting to Bombay. It's the only way you can get around in this lousy, overpopulated place. But today was different. I'd decided that today, I would actually get a seat. Instead of playing ''my elbow is more pointy than yours'' games with the common multitude.

I knew this was going to be tough. The only way one can get a seat on these trains during rush 'hour' (7:30 am to 10:30 pm) is to throw caution, and yourself, to the wind. Just jump in the general direction of the train and fling your arms out, hoping to grab hold of something. Preferably hard, like the door frame. Occasionally all you can get is a guy's shirt tail, but that can do at times too. Provided it's of good quality cotton.

Needless to say, the train being a thundering mass of rusty iron rushing towards you, it goes against the grain to throw yourself anywhere near it. But today I was determined.

The crowds helped. Once I got out in front of the platform, the people behind me left me only two choices. I could either let them push me in front of the train, or I could take the majestic leap. So I took the leap.

It was perfect. The train was a blur of sweeping metal, I was a creature of instant reflexes. My hand grabbed the pole that divides the door frame, my feet were on the train before my brain could register the fact, and in a split second, I was in!

Now, I had gotten so far a couple of times before by fluke and the grace of the rowdy masses on the platform. But once in, I was only too likely to 'freeze up', not sure which seat to take. And since the crowds were only behind me by half a second, this could be disastrous. But today, I was as good as Bush. To take a life altering decision was with me, the work of a second. Before you could yell ''weapons of mass distruction'', I had the best window seat in the compartment. And the crowds weren't even in yet!

Of course, it was the ladies compartment.

"Rocket Science", or "I know only one metaphor"

Why is it that people, especially teachers, find this phrase so irresistible? Throughout my college (a colossal waste of time btw) my professors would use this phrase at the slightest instigation.

"You just have to write a 1000 word article on the soap marketing scenario in India. Why do you need a week? It's not rocket science!"

"All you have to do is pay attention during my class, and you will pass the test. It's not rocket science!"

"Don't pick your nose, use a tissue. It's not rocket science!"

Now, I wonder how many of these people ever got past their high school math, much less approach rocket science. How would they know how complicated, or simple, rocket science is? And if it's just a reference to something they think is the toughest thing in the universe to understand, they really should look around. Most of their accents would qualify.

Their logic would top the list.

Peace of Mind: And how to ruin it

I am at the beach. It is a beautiful morning. THe sun is coming up. There are glimmers all over the ocean, which is as placid as a millpond. There are dolphins in the distance, about 4-5 of them, and they're performing interesting maneouvres, either mating or feeding.Neverthless, it was fascinating to watch their bodies gleam in the sunlight and to watch the spouts of steam issue from their blowholes as they frolicked around. The pelicans were gliding along the waves. There is something very elegant about pelicans. I could go as far as to say that they are the only elegant denizens in this blighted marshland otherwise known as florida. Everything was all right with the world, and to amplify my good mood, the beach was deserted. Perfect time to do a little bit of self-hypnosis/meditation to steel myself up to face the idiots at work. But no, trouble looms on the horizon..Since i face the sun, whenever i close my eyes i can feel the light hitting my eyelids and everything is a brilliant red with eyes closed, but this time there was a shadow looming over me, for a while i thought it was a passing cloud and continued my ruminations undisturbed...then that somehow didn't feel right...there were odd sounds..and something licked my face... I turned, and there was a species of mottled old lady standing behind me. I winced and prepared for the worst.... No, she didn't lick me you perverts, it was the bloody dog.
"Are you meditating?" ....well, not anymore woman...
"I just saw you sitting there and felt like I had to talk to you"
I don't know what it is, but there is something about the sight of a person sitting alone and for once, enjoying the fucking solitude that seems to rankle the spirit of every ditzy sociable person within a 50 mile radius and makes them want to go about spewing chaos and irritability into an otherwise peaceful melting pot of emotions.
Then she went on about how she was from new york city, and then people around her had started dying, and about how it really got her thinking about the purpose of life, and about how she wanted answers....good god..
anyways...i kept thinking...'so where lieth the barbed point buried beneath honey'd words?'...and promptly enough it poked through..."then i found christ"
At that point, i had to intervene, i had to tell her i was meditating for a reason,something...i hadn't said a word throughout this soliloquoy and unless cut off, she would continue to extend herself and nail her toes to her pedestal. The only thing i managed to bleat out was..."Well i have."....that was enough for her..for the next 20 minutes, she went on about the king james bible, and about how I should read that instead of other bibles, and then she also told me that she doesn't read that bible but instead reads the original hewbrew, whereupon i had to politely interject to find out if she really was a learned lady, in which case she'd have my respect, or just another locust from the Religious Yahoo swarm that's currently ravaging the country. No, she doesn't know hebrew, she uses a lexicon. A pretty nice way to describe a dictionary with frills. How do you appreciate prose if you translate everything to english anyways? I decided not to ask her that as that would only add to the fire...so on and on she went...at one point i had to stifle a giggle, i was thinking of odd things to suddenly yell out loud about...something on the lines of, "The Asiatic Lion was once a majestic species, its range stretching all the way to Rome! It's chief diet consisted of antelope, buffalo, and also the occasional Christian at the local Colosseum."
instead, like the idiot i am, i said.."I know all this. You see, I Don't like religion. I grew up a hindu, in a muslim neighbourhood, and went to a jesuit school where i saw priests doing bad things. I don't like religion" "but religion is a guideline, life is so much better with God"........i love you god, but save me from your followers. It was a long time before i could get rid of her. I totally lost sync with the mood, had to go late for work, and listen to the ceo of my company make it sound like his company was actually a charitable organization that brought happiness to so many people. in short, my day sucked.
Anyways, the point of the whole thing is, if you have peace, and if you are at an easy equilibrium with your surroundings, please, keep it to yourself. There is nothing that betrays insecurity as effortlessly as proselytyzing, besides, people can sympathize more easily with your pain than with your pleasure..and well, use your head..anyone who tells you that they are right and that most of the world is wrong is either fantastically arrogant, in which case they should be trucked off to Auschwitz, or they are hopelessly insecure in which case they have no business feeding you bullshit they wish they bought, and that brings me to the point of religion. I hate it. For all of you in other countries who think somewhat highly of the Indian diaspora in the US, i have some jarring news for you. They are a bunch of putzes. No doubt they are educated, but so is every mugpot who can learn hamlet by heart, miss all the beauty but is perfectly capable of telling you on which page Polonius got poked hiding behind the tapestry, but that's not what bothers me. IT's their religiousness. I should be tolerant you say, but i can't be tolerant of intolerance, and i tend to get very worked up when i go to someone's house for a nice meal of sambar+rice and end up listening to bullshit like "WE MUST STAAP THI MUSLIM APPEAJMENT!! NAUW!!".."we must build tembil in ayodhya"...." all muslims in india are muslims first indians later" ...?!?!?!?! This VHP poster-boy stuff coming from graduates from good colleges who've spent the better half of their lives in good families, you know, middle to upper middle class people, the arterial blood of the country..first of all..everytime you make a statement beginning with all or most but missing a reference to observed population, and not estimated population, it is patently false. to know that all muslims are bad, or most hindus are idolators, you'd have to know all hindus, or all muslims, and out of that you must have done a percentage study to determine the true opinion of every member of your subset and then have these facts on hand to support your argument, and even THEN you could be wrong, because some dick in that subset would have lied. That does sound ridiculous, doesn't it? To me it sounds about as ridiculous as "All muslims hate hindus"

not everyone is like that of course..there's also the daler mehndi crowd and a small section of the population that actually does think straight. you'll know them when you meet them by how refreshed you feel after a 10 min discussion with them...not the daler mehndi types. You'll know those by how refreshed you feel after getting away from their clutches and their "what yaar that bhangra beat is classss yaar..oye soni kudi" words of wisdom.

but anyways, religion has done nothing spectacular for india within the past 50 years...unless you consider Partition movies mesmerizing. We have "rich cultural heritage ok", which is basically our crutch. No power, cultural heritage. Poverty, cultural heritage. It's like a kid who fails in all subjects but does excellently at english grammar(i am using a real example. that kid was me). "You FAILED MATH???AND PHYSICS????" "but mommy..i did so well in Make Sentences!!"... Religious riots, cultural heritage. Our answer to everything, and no doubt it is there. I love it. I love going to temples. I love reading old texts and getting in touch with a forgotten past, it is no doubt very exotic, but when i am woken in the middle of the night by a phone call from my mom asking me to listen to "vishnu sahasrananams because it spreads good vibrations around the house", i tend to go on my God is dead trips....but otherwise culture can be very refreshing, and gives you a good feel for what you are, and what you can or want to be....but at what price? There are more widows than there are buddhas. Is it worth it? Give a human being an idea and he will corrupt it in an instant, and that's what's basically happening. Why does being proud about hindu mean having to hate muslims/christians for so many people? Why this (check previous post) binary logic? Why can't people follow the middle ground...actually, why be proud about anything? why be proud to be hindu? is it a culmination of personal achievement? born 30 seconds later you could be ethiopian, or worse, catholic..

anyways, i came out of that discussion feeling thoroughly disgusted. It's things like that that make me feel disgusted at everything that goes on back home. I love the country so much, and it is really painful to see it get raped by people like this, in the name of religion/caste/creed/. I don't have orgasms if i see saffron but I am a hindu, in terms of my upbringing,the sense of comfort i feel in sitting by myself in ruined temples, praying to gods that i am on more familiar, personal terms with(when i am content or afraid enough to believe in one). i don't feel a need to be proud of it, the same way i don't see a reason to be proud of who i am. We're six billion insignificant little shits swirling around in a universe that doesn't give a damn. It's about time we realized that if we're insignificant, so are things like caste,creed, race. Nobody cares, least of all your God. What's better? Dying and killing for a god, or living without one?
I'm done. I don't feel like I've done complete justice to my feelings, but if i continue i risk being stoned, or worse, sound preachy, which is exactly what i want to avoid.
Moral of the story: If you see a person sitting alone on the beach, or in any place of scenic beauty, and he/she looks happy, leave them alone. That way, they will have one less reason to post stuff that ends up making you wince.

The link I wish would go missing

It's 5:30 in the evening, and I've been trying to crack an idea for a well known laser printer brand for the last 2 hours. The client doesn't know the difference between a landing page (single html page) and a microsite.

Neither does the sales guy.

My opinion on these specimens wandering around in their starched shirts and boring ties keeps oscillating between repulsion, for so much ignorance in such diminutive packages, and regard, for managing to actually sell something they don't understand.

My opinion of the clients never wavers though.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

The Insignificant Other

I wonder how I’m going to explain this latest incident to my wife. It’s not everyday one gets the opportunity to be robbed at knifepoint by a prostitute, and then made to undress to satiate her inebriated fancies. Very obviously drunk, yes, but she took all my clothes, and the wife’s definitely going to look askance at the fact that I’ve come home without any clothes on, or money. The clothes bit is acceptable I suppose, but what about the day’s wages? Well, I guess it’s for the best, because if she doesn’t lose her head shouting at me, she might not realize the uselessness of her taunts, and if she doesn’t realize the uselessness of her taunts, she might not realize that she’s shouting at me for no reason at all, not that that’s stopped her in the past, but still, there’s no harm in hoping. Anyhow, enough about her. I shall move on to other more interesting details, and hopefully cure you insomniacs of your sleeplessness.

I’m 35 years old, have been married for 8 years now. I sometimes think it is the biggest mistake I’ve ever made in my life. You no doubt know what I mean. That statement might sound like the most recently ejected constituent of the cliché gutter, but it takes on a new meaning for me. You see, I met her at a party; she was drunk, and like all drunk women, was really attracted to me, possibly because my face looks attractive when vision is blurry. Indeed I am positively irresistible when there is no vision at all and also because you’re too self-obsessed when under the influence of alcohol; you’re incapable of hearing properly, and the other person has no choice but to listen, and you get the mistaken impression that that person truly gives a damn. Such was the case with me. I pretended to give a damn, and before I knew it, a month later, she proposed. I was of course what you would call a passive bystander in the whole process. She came along, popped the question, and then suddenly against all my wishes, I found myself nodding dumbly. The nodding lamb that is about to get its throat cut. A few minutes later, reason resumed her throne. I sincerely wish she had permanently abdicated, because I was conscious of feeling like I had just been hit and run over by something very large. I don’t know why I make these stupid decisions, I don’t know why I can’t shake my head instead of nodding, just one little tilt to the left, and my fortunes would have been entirely different, just a little tilt, and yet, I chose to nod my half hearted assent.

At that time, I was working; I actually had a job, as a software engineer in a large firm. It was like any other job, the salary was decent, and the actual work, was utterly pointless. We would fill out a thousand forms, most of these forms were about the progress we were making doing work, but it turns out, most of the work was, yes, filling out forms, a progress report to gauge how well we were reporting the progress of the process. The phrase, “the process is all there is” now meant something entirely different to me. But anyways, to veer back from the tangent, I had a job, I had money, but I had no life. My entertainment consisted of walking around aimlessly around the city, and collecting useless information about the habits of my fellow human beings, and for a hobby, I used to write. Bizarre stories, about gobs and gremlins, princes and princesses, eerie love triangles filled with improbable endings, endings that I wished my life would have. Wish fulfillment, in the form of dreary, endless, sloppy prose, and that leads me to the root cause of my so called condition. I am an emotional hypochondriac. The problem, you see, is the fact that my head will not stop buzzing with thoughts. I am terrified of my memories, yet I am unable to forget any of them. “ How lucky you are”, some of you might say, “You get to relive every happy moment again and again!” but no, greedy nostalgia has long since sucked the happiness out of any thoughts I may have, now they are simply like heroin, I need a fix from time to time to fill up the void with brief splashes of colour, laughter, happiness, yet, in many ways, it simply contributes to making the rest of my life a featureless vacuum, a barren desert, populated with ghostly mirages of fertility, for if you dwell in the past, you have no future.

Most of these memories, I am ashamed to say, still deal with love, the only time I’ve ever experienced something like that. Tina, the mention of her name still rankles, and yet, my brain loves to keep chanting it over and over again like some mantra, in the vain hope that repeated prodding of the heart will numb the wound. She was everything I could’ve asked for, attractive, intelligent, and most of all, innocent. I don’t know why I thought this to be an attractive quality; it’s something you need to be very careful of in another person. It is meant to be guarded against, not guarded. But anyhow, to make a painfully boring story more tolerable, she fell for me, and I for her. We’d take long walks in the half light and talk about everything from Dionysus to Hitler, and very soon we were falling headfirst into the abyss of the love that is often born of either complete idiocy, or complete innocence. Intense, and short would sum it up neatly. I wouldn’t have minded marrying her, but the problem was, she was never sure of how she felt about anything, much less a man(I flatter myself) in her life. In her more emotional moments, she was fond of telling me how I was like a cloak, her protector, to keep her warm in an otherwise frosty existence, but unfortunately for me, this protective warmth stifled her in the springtime of her budding adulthood, and she effectively had no problems discarding me into the proverbial closet of her memories. Moth-eaten and shriveled I’ve remained. Such is life, you love, you lose, and then you die.

I was devastated, and naturally, I turned upon myself. The buzzing inside grew even louder, it reached a volume where I could not hear myself speak, or listen to the sounds of life, all I could listen to were the endless voices in my head, each screaming out their frustrations, each of the myriad screams a diatribe against my own existence, the futility of purpose, the meaninglessness of every emotion my undeveloped mind could process.

At this stage of my life, a new and profoundly awful realization revealed itself. Breathing hurt, no, not in any discernible physical form. This pain was entirely mental. The slow process of inhalation and exhalation sent sharp stabs of pain through my chest. Breathing itself became an ordeal. A painful exercise to be endured for the sake of some intangible happiness, which in all likelihood was long dead. Was this born out of Grief? Fear? Frustration? I could not say, it would not let me sleep, or even live a normal life. The dying rasp of a man pushed too far by circumstance.

Out of sheer desperation (I woke up one morning completely unable to breathe, for the voices had now begun to strangle my sanity), I tried meditation. I sense a sneer of skepticism from the audience, and I would agree, your skepticism is well founded. Meditation is nothing but the murder of thought. That which causes you to think about not thinking, is still thinking, albeit of a very confusing, yet base nature. “Focus on your breath”, they said. “Think of the void, the silence”, they said. “Breathe”. The very idea of focusing on breathing in, and breathing out, was nothing but the slow suffocation of my thoughts, my voices, but not only those. It was also the slow strangulation of the very matter that gave rise to everything I associated with an idea of being. My head did not like this, and it exacted its own bizarre type of revenge.

“Attempted suicide: Death by drowning. The accused may please come forward.”

“How do you plead?”

“I plead ignorance”

“You may not. The two available options are guilty or not. Don’t waste my time, Mr. Ahmed or I’ll have you jailed for contempt. You are free to choose between your options.”

Great. I was being tried in a court for suicide. Suicide! Was this a nation of schizophrenics, where terminating your personalities, or lack thereof, would be viewed as gravely as killing someone else? And I was free to choose between a rock and a hard place, but no, the choice could not be extended to something as inevitable as death. Suicide is illegal here, you see. You don’t even have the right to stop living. The pointless hilarity of the situation elicited a strangled guffaw out of me. I struggled to recount the facts as the jury formally sentenced me to a week of psychiatric counseling. The sniveling little bastards, although, I didn’t hate even one of them as much as I hated the perverseness lurking inside me. Death by drowning, to counter the strangling I had been doing all this while.

I struggled to recount the details. I had started frequenting a bar of late. Alcohol always increased my immunity to the yelling inside, and left me with a pleasant warm glow that seemed very much like the heyday of my romantic youth, only this time I was caressing vodka, not Tina’s face, although she would inevitably appear to haunt me, after I had finished drinking. I didn’t even know that it wasn’t real. The hallucinations were more colourful, more meaningful than reality itself. Every detail of her being would be etched in front of me. Her big brown eyes, the beautiful way in which she would arch her shoulders, or shake her head, and that dazzling smile. It would say a thousand things, but the loudest of the silent statements would scream, “There is nothing to be said. I know your every thought.” It got too strong, and at this point I was urging myself to end everything, or rather, one of the voices was, I was simply too tired to argue or to exercise the tattered remnants that were once a very strong part of a complicated framework of inhibitions. I walked to the docks, and threw myself into the water. However, you can’t drown in four feet of gently sloshing brine if you’re six feet tall. What you will get is a concussion, and someone will more likely than not call the cops, after they’ve finished laughing at you.

I was a complete failure. I couldn’t even kill myself effectively; ruminate on that for a second. To be so incompetent as to not being capable of ending that which is responsible for your misery, how much more ironic could life get?

Psychiatric counseling sessions are painful, especially state-sponsored programs. The shrinks, for want of a better word, and they do come in one size, small, mottled, and very pompous, seem to think of themselves as a self styled Jesus to the otherwise self-destructive Philistines. A week of preaching later, I was a changed man. I had decided. I had turned over a new leaf, well, somewhat. If I was going to kill myself, I thought, there must be no screw-up. I could not survive another session intact, but alas, the thought of failure, and eventual return to my freckled Jehovah put away any further thoughts of self destruction from my mind. I now had other things to think about. I suddenly wanted to excel at my pointless job, I wanted a wife, I wanted to be a part of the process that I knew I would eventually reject. I wanted to feel what it was like to be a normal human being. Perhaps the unending torpor of a routine would silence the voices once and for all, bridge the schism between my different selves, and maybe I would find love again. But no, all I found was Suman, waiting for me, buried beneath a mountain of progress reports and vodka shots.

And here I am. It’s been a long and tiring life, and that exhaustion is further compounded by the fact that I’ll have to put up with her tantrums when I get home. Maybe I shouldn’t go. I think I will run away, start again. I don’t know what I will do, but do something I must. I can’t go back to this job, and I can’t go back to her incessant yelling. Ten lifetimes of poverty are infinitely preferable to this intellectually impoverished existence that I misguidedly call a life. A smiling drunk hands me a cup of half eaten yogurt. Shamefaced as I suddenly realize my nakedness, I accept, and he throws me an added bonus, a gown. Now I have the necessary accoutrements to begin my new life. A brilliant blue phrase on the cup catches my eye. “Contest!” it says. “Look under the cup to see what you have won.” Spurred on by a sudden stab of hope, I turn the cup upside down, spilling everything.

“Sorry! You are not a winner. Better luck next time!”


How does one start off a first post really? I suppose I could start by saying that both me and on_trial are under no illusions that our thoughts or views are important. They are not. There are too many people and considering that everything's become so idiot-friendly, every moron with half a brain and three times the attitude has started a post. A lot of blogs are nicely written, no doubt, but most of them are shitty, and make for a very painful read. In fact, when i used to read them at work i used to get more depressed after reading them than I would after dealing with my superiors.There will be no "I GAVE MY CAT A BATH TODAY LOL!!" articles. Anyone found guilty of such excesses will be shot in the face and dumped in a lard factory. What you will find here is writing, most of it done because we are unhealthy human beings and feel a need to vent. This venting is only complete if misery is inflicted upon fellow human beings, and you are basically the lab rats in our 'feel healthy' experiment. Not everything will be negative, but it will all be sincere.
We've started this thing with one purpose, and that's to get better at writing. We'll (hopefully) be putting up a lot of stuff that we've written here. Anything from rants to short stories. There are also rumours that on_trial wants to get rich, but you can make about as much money off of writing, especially our kind of writing, that you could if you were an ugly whore, but the point is the writing. Hopefully vomiting out more and more of our emotions will give us both a much needed finesse, and the same also applies for the other contributors, if any. I've said enough. Hope you like what you see, and if you don't, too bad. Disney updates their website often. Go look there.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


In the year 2875, Mankind died.

It didn't perish in poverty, wasn't buried under a giant meteor, didn’t burn up with the sun. There was no nuclear holocaust.

Mankind just died.

Or rather, I should say, Adam died.

Quite ironic really, naming the last descendant of the human race 'Adam'. But then you couldn't blame his parents. He was their last hope. They named him Adam hoping for a revisitation of the miracle that first occurred in Eden.

He was Mankind's last hope too, come to think of it. Maybe it was all that pressure that did it.

Adam was sterile.

There was nothing that could be done about sterility. If he had had a low sperm count, or low mobility or any of the other hundred odd sexual problems that had been plaguing Mankind for thousands of years, there were medical procedures. Medical procedures invented over the years by a desperate race afflicted by prosperity and entertainment.

Tired sperm could be rejuvenated but for death there was no cure yet.

He and Sita had tried up to the bitter end.

Sita. His parents had traveled long and hard to find her.

When his mother's scan had betrayed his sex, a frantic search had ensued to find him a mate.

In a country with a reported population of 15, not a single couple with child could be found.

In a planet with an estimated population of 50, there was one.

When Adam's parents contacted them, they had been married for 25 years and their daughter Sita was already 14 years old.

But she would be the closest to Adam in age out of all the people his parents had met and spoken to. She and Adam would outlive everyone else on the planet by at least 25 years.

No one could've predicted that Adam would outlive her by a further 30 years.

Sita's parents were exceptions. They had opted to marry when most people were just living together for convenience's sake and had multiple partners.

But then, they had a healthy daughter and could afford the luxury of a commitment.

In a planet of 50, there were only 12 men. Most of the population suffered from some form of sterility. Even if some managed to get pregnant, there were usually complications at birth. Those babies that survived the multiple operations at delivery usually died soon after. When Adam was picked up by the scanners, there had been no successful child births, other than Sita, for 30 odd years.

The youngest couple on the planet were already in their 30s and sterile.

Adam's birth wasn't without its share of complications either. It left his mother incapable of having any more children and him half dead in an incubator.

It took two super computers working overtime to pull him through the critical period.

Once his parents were reasonably sure that he would survive, the hunt began.

In the year 2785, most people were very well connected and easy to reach.

As their numbers eroded, the few who remained gravitated to central locations and banded together in communities. People preferred moving to an area that was cluttered and overcrowded, rather than living in desolate separation.

Human contact came at a premium now, not space.

The fewer there were, the closer they lived.

Of course there were exceptions. Even in the early days, there were a few who rejected technology and the community and ventured out on their own.

Satellites kept track of them till they perished.

The rest returned to technology for the answer. Devices were built to do everything autonomously, making human effort redundant. Society was remodeled to suit a race of vastly depleted numbers. By the year 2520 the World was fully automated. The population count stood at 212.

Machines did everything, maintained everything and serviced everything.

They couldn't make a dead sperm swim.

Communication was one field that grew by leaps and bounds in the final two hundred years. Since the population was living in groups separated by large distances, they felt a need to stay in touch. The few left at the turn of the century were fully networked.

Transportation was another frontier. It was also completely automated. The few "city-communities" were very well linked. Power was no problem.

Coal outlives Man.

Still, it took Adam's parents all of two months to track down Sita and her parents. In that time they spoke to 98% of the World's estimated population and personally met more than half. By the end they were positive that there was no suitable mate for their son.

Then they met Sita.

The moment they set eyes on her, playing by herself with her dolls, they knew she would be their daughter-in-law. She looked almost angelic with her soft curly hair and melancholy eyes.

Adam liked girls with straight hair and lively eyes. He married her anyway.

Adam and Sita tried very hard. They tried enhancers, supplements and positions. They even tried God. In vain.

Adam's parents died waiting for the signs.

Sita's parents followed.

With their parent's deaths, all pretence of liking each other was cast aside. They fought daily for the next year on issues ranging from the trivial to the surreal. Then they separated.

But they never stopped trying.

Love was a non-issue.

Ten years later Sita died. Adam was at her bedside. He saw Life stare at him, out of her eyes. Then he blinked, and it was gone.

After her death Adam felt more alone than he could have imagined. He took to the bottle and travel as a two-course remedy. Knowing that he would outlive every known person on the planet, he started a desperate search for someone younger.

The satellites showed no souls on the planet other than the ones already accounted for, all of whom were dying.

So was he.

The journey was just longer for him.

Towards the end, with everyone he knew dead, he finally decided to make sure. After all, the satellites could be mistaken. Or the machines that monitored them. The last human being who actually understood the technology had died a hundred years ago.

Adam packed a few supplies, a lot of machines and got a car. He set out determined to cover every remaining inch of the planet. He had the time.

He had no idea.

He lasted for fifteen days. On the sixteenth day, sick, tired and filthier than he could ever remember being, he started back home. He never got there.

Lost in a strange land buried under snow two feet thick, with his car broken down and the machines unable to fix it, Adam spent the last years of his life in terrible deprivation.

The last survivor of the species was weak, hungry and homeless.

Ninety now, he had gone as far as he could. He was tired.

He lay down, and closed his eyes.

Mankind died.